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Tuesday, August 22, 2006



If not today, when? has been a phrase that I've loved since I heard it. I can honestly say that I was not the person that originated the phrase. :) But whoever did, thank you.

I've decided to start a blog in order to show my progress during a MAJOR life-changing time for me. I have many things going on and many goals that I want to accomplish by May 2007.

Why May 2007? First of all, it's the start of the summer, which is a time I always dreaded. I don't like heat. I hate wearing shorts and having to "uncover" and just never found it to be a pleasant time of the year. So what will make it different from the other summers I've experienced? First of all, I will be slimmer. Since January 2006, I have lost 65 pounds. I hope to lose another 80 more by May 1st, 2007. I will be very close to goal by this time and can actually enjoy having a slimmer body. (( Although I see surgery in my future to remove excess skin )) I will also be more financially independant and able to "go and do" more than I have in the past few summers. I think that by giving myself 8 months, I will be able to focus and achieve the things I've been dreaming about.

I'm a strong person in many ways but then again, I show lots of weakness. Yes, I know... don't we all! But sometimes I must admit to having a "dream of being strong" more than actually acting that way. I have become a shell of the person that I always wanted to be so I'm seeking a higher level of personal fulfillment.

So I will document my life from today to May 1st, 2007. You'll see the good, bad and downright ugly but isn't that what life is all about?

~ til then

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