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Sunday, August 27, 2006


Whatta week, I tell ya!

It has certainly been a week. Thankfully, my business is picking up although I do have a deal that doesn't look like it will go thru. The contract I wrote up this past week? Well, my clients have decided they don't necessarily want it if they have to actually work to get it. Long story... too much for today. Let's just say that this system of buying a house is complicated and sometimes unfair -- for both sides. But I'm not going to lose sleep over it!

I've officially lost 70 pounds as of today. I'm in a bit of shock. Okay, more than a bit. Although I must admit to you that I don't FEEL like I've lost that much. I think it's because I still have 100 pounds to go... I don't feel that I'm in a healthy place yet. Once I lose 40 more pounds, I will feel it, I think. Right now I still "look" fat, which sometimes shocks me. I have people in the store that still give me the "oooo, a fat lady" look and I want to scream "BUT I'VE LOST 70 POUNDS!!!!!!!!" but they'd not understand. I was showing property yesterday that included a HUGE hill that we had to "slide" down and then climb up. I couldn't even talk halfway back up. And I'd been exercising that morning and feeling so much healthier! The client said, "Don't wory about talking. We'll talk when we get to the top of the hill." I gasped, "Fine. Thank God I lost 70 pounds this year or I'd not be able to finish the climb" He just gave me a look like "Um yeah, sure." *laughing*

Still not past the "help me clean" stage with my family. Hubby is sitting at the spare computer, working. Youngest child is behind me, playing the Playstation and oldest child is on her bed, watching tv. Middle child is still asleep. And I'm fixing to get up and clean. Bitch, Bitch, BITCH! HAHA It will take my DEMANDING help to get it at this point and I know it. I guess I'm just too tired to care.

Fairly busy week coming up. I have a client in from Florida that I will be showing property to on Tuesday. Just trying to get thru this week and move on to another I guess. Struggling financially and wondering if I will ever get caught up.

Daughter found out she was accepted into a private college in my area. Thrilled for her! Worried about paying the tuition. :( Always something!

~ Til then...

70 pounds! GIRL! That is AMAZING! CONGRATS! House of Pain - geez, I must say I love that name, though it sounds.....um......painful! LOL

*laughing* That's because IT IS! HAHAHA But I do feel better when I get home... when I can move, that is.
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