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Thursday, September 14, 2006



So... I hopefully have a closing today and I can pay off some of my debt. I have taken care of that cc issue by paying it off with another cc I have BUT I am going to pay THAT off with this closing check. So hopefully I will be able to move forward from that.

I'm still going to exercise three times a week. I've lost 6 inches in my waist since last month but haven't lost weight. It gets discouraging but at least I can tell a difference in the way my clothes are fitting. So that's good!!

Things in the household are still the same. My house looks horrific (especially since I've been busy trying to get things done in my business this week) but I'm at a point where I could care less. I got upset with them last weekend, pitched a fit and they actually helped pick up. That ended when the "fit" ended. The middle child is failing two of his classes... yes, already. I then found out that he just "forgot" to mention certain projects that were due. TWO WEEKS AGO!!! So now we are playing catch up. Always something with that kid.

Guess that's my update for this week. I'll try and do better....

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