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Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Is there an echo in here?


Yep, I do believe most of my family and friends have a life. A serious life while I'm wondering where I put mine. :) My Mom emails me that she will be away from the computer today since her hubby has a doctors appt in Birmingham. I've gotten a little spoiled by hearing from her on a daily basis (even if it's just a short hello) so it has really been quiet this morning. Then I read where jai has decided to fly the coop too!! Dang you folks that have lives!

I was thinking yesterday about life in general. When I was in high school, I was fairly popular. Well, I was when I moved to Oklahoma. I seemed to never fit in at the Alabama school that I attended previously. Being a military brat, we moved often so it was difficult being the "new kid" all the time. Anyhoo, I had friends. I then graduated and we drifted apart, which is what many people do. It's a difficult time in your life and the transition between "child" and "adult" is not always easy. As I got older, I became more reclusive in a way. Again, we moved many times and I just lost touch with people.

So I sit here thinking... I miss having "real life friends". I love hearing people talk about going out with their girlfriends and enjoying life. I just don't do that. During the recent holiday, I sat at home while I know of several families that got together, cooked out, had fun. I sometimes feel very secluded in my life and it's starting to get to me. One of my best friends, jai, lives on the other side of the state so that ain't happening. Course we might not be best friends if we saw each other daily. HAHAHA You know how that is!!!

I think these feelings come from the fact that I also don't have family nearby. During Labor Day, my Mom and her husbands family had a cookout. They live 7 hours from me so it's not like we can drop what we are doing and drive down there. I just miss having family and friends that actually spend time together. Looking at these four walls gets old, fast.

And since I'm complaining this morning... I had an agent walk up to me yesterday and make a comment that really irked me. This agent is a gentleman that is making pretty good money in the business. Well heck, he makes enough to go to Aruba twice a year. So he hears that I am interested in being an assistant for some Realtors and he says, "You need to make sure what you are doing is legal. The Commissioner can come down on you and you can lose your license." Ummmm, I can't be a real estate assistant??? I smiled and said, "If you ever need my services, contact me." He didn't take the hint. "Well, I'm just saying that you need to make sure you are doing this in the right way."


It just seems like you can't do ANYTHING without someone harping lately. Look, I need the money. Period. How blunt can I get? I'm not taking trips to Aruba. I'm not driving a new Chrysler 300. I'm not opening the front door to my lakefront 4,000 square foot property. I am struggling. Give me a freakin' break folks!

So perhaps I might be better off enjoying my echo. At least I'd hear intelligent conversation for a change huh?

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