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Monday, September 04, 2006


What a weekend!

I started having a severe headache yesterday morning and I'm sure that 90% of that was due to stress. I can't seem to shake this doom over my head recently!

But I'm still determined to just move forward. I can't change yesterday now, can I? So today is TODAY and tomorrow can still be painted so I'm going to get back up, brush myself off and move forward.

Had a co-worker call me today and ask if I'd work their floor for them out of our busier office tomorrow morning. Um yeah, I do believe I will! I have two closings this month, that I desperately need. I could use more clients and more connections.

I've given some thought about forming a women of business network in our county. Yes, one more thing to add to my schedule but if we met only once a month and then brainstormed, I think it would be a fabulous thing! I would love to form a group where we can pick two "situations" to sponsor in our area. Whether that be goodwill or just something that would benefit our area -- it would just be great to do. So I think I might approach a few of the ladies in business of our area and see if there is an interest. Can't hurt huh!

I also started a side business this weekend, Real Assistants. Thank you jai for the name idea! Hopefully I can drum up a little moolah this way too. Time will tell!

Hope you had a nice holiday weekend. I'm glad mine is O*V*E*R! Phew...

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